Information Box Group

Large Group Study Room Book a room
Room 1B20 is larger than our standard group study room, accommodating six to 22 people. Learn more about group study room regulations.

FHS Graduate Student Study Room
Room 1B21 has seven study carrels and is restricted to current FHS Graduate or Postgraduate Medicine students. No pre-booking required, but keys need to be picked up from the Information Services Desk.

Silent Study Carrels
72 carrels at the back of the lower level are for silent study only.

Quiet Study Carrels
Carrels at the bottom of the staircase are for quiet study.

The Reserve and Multimedia Room
The Reserve and Multimedia Room contains three stand-up study carrels along with group study tables. A combination printer/photocopier/scanner is also available.

Upper Level Learning Commons
Comprising the majority of the Library’s upper level, the Learning Commons includes a variety of unique study spaces, from shared group tables to comfy chairs.

Lower Level Learning Commons
You’ll find the lower level Learning Commons at the foot of the staircase.

Jan and Mien Heersink Reading Pavilion
A comfortable and flexible study space accessible from the lower level of the library. Floor to ceiling windows provide a spectacular view of campus.

C. Barber Mueller History of Health and Medicine Room
An ambient study space with tables and armchairs. This room features a fireplace, an in-use collection and is adjacent to the Archives. Expect to see staff.